- Ph.D. in Forest Sciences with specialization in Tropical Silviculture and Forest Management
- Over 35 years of international professional experience in research, rural development, education, capacity building, and project formulation and evaluation in various forestry areas. Particular focus on forest resource assessment, silviculture, forest management and monitoring, and landscape restoration
- Working experience in Latin America (particularly in Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay), Asia (Indonesia) and Africa (Cameroun)
- Experience as national and international consultant (for ACTO, CIFOR, FAO, GIZ, Helvetas, Intercooperation, ITTO, IUFRO, Jaakko Pöyry, ODI, USAID/USFS, Winrock International, World Bank)
- Multilingual, good interpersonal skills, results-focus, team-builder, strong practical focus, good networking capacities, proven proposal development abilities
- Author or co-author of over 130 publications, including books or book chapters, scientific and technical papers, manuals, guidelines, policy briefs and pamphlets.
- Peruvian citizenship
- Married, two children – all German citizens
- Languages: Spanish (native); fluent in English, Portuguese and German; intermediate level in French and Italian
Doctor in Forest Sciences, University of Göttingen, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Silviculture (Göttingen, Germany), 1987
Forest Engineer, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (National Agricultural University) – UNALM, Lima, Peru, 1980
BSc in Forestry, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (National Agricultural University) – UNALM, Lima, Peru, 1977
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO (Rome, Italy). Forestry Officer, Forest Management Team – Forestry Department. Sept 2010 – Dec 2016.
International Centre for Tropical Agriculture – CIAT (Belém, Brazil). Coordinator of the Amazon Initiative Eco-Regional Program (AI-EP). Sept 2008 – Jul 2010.
Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Belém, Brazil). Independent consultant and CIFOR Senior Associate. Dec 2006 – Aug 2008.
Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Belém, Brazil). Senior Scientist, Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme. May 2004 – Nov 2006.
Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Belém, Brazil) Senior Scientist – Sustainable Forest Management Programme, and Regional Coordinator for Latin America. Feb 1998 – Apr 2004.
Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Bogor, Indonesia). Project Leader, Multiple- Resource Management of Natural Forests. Feb 1996 – Jan 1998.
Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Bogor, Indonesia). Senior Scientist – Silviculture, Management and Conservation of Natural Forests Programme. Oct 1994 – Jan 1996.
Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Education – CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica). Project Leader, CATIE- AID/ROCAP-RENARM/Production from Natural Forests. Mar 1992 – Sep 1994.
Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Education – CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica). Principal Forestry Advisor, CATIE-SAREC (Swedish Authority for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries) projects in Nicaragua. Apr 1990 – Feb 1992.
Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Education – CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica). Principal Forestry Advisor, CATIE-SAREC (Swedish Authority for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries) projects in Nicaragua. Apr 1990 – Feb 1992.
Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Education – CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica). Forest Researcher and Lecturer, CATIE-COSUDE Silviculture of Natural Forests Project, Jul 1987 – Mar 1990.
University of Göttingen, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Silviculture (Göttingen, Germany). PhD student. Oct 1982 – Jun 1987
National Agricultural University at La Molina – UNALM (Lima, Peru). Teaching Assistant. Nov 1978 – Sep 1982
Proyecto USAID/USFS Forest Oversight and Resource Strengthening Program – FOREST / PROFONANPE (Peru) / Mar – May 2019
- Preparation of reports of Phase 1 (“Conocimiento integral de la realidad del sector forestal y de fauna silvestre”) and Phase 2 (“Futuro deseado”) and the document of the National Forest and Wildlife Plan (2019-2030)
International Tropical Timber Organization – ITTO / Jul 2018 – Jan 2019
- Formulate, together with the leading consultant, new voluntary guidelines for the design and implementation of successful Forest Landscape Restoration initiatives in the tropics through a critical review of the use of the “Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical Forests” and existing restoration guidelines of CPF members
Proyecto BIRD No 8493-AR – PNUD ARG 15/004 “Bosques Nativos y Comunidad” (Argentina) / Apr – Aug 2018
- Responsible for the formulation of the Component Restoration of Degraded Areas within the Native Forests and Communities Project
Programa Conservación de Bosques, Ministerio del Ambiente / MINAM – Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre – SERFOR (Peru) / Apr – Jul 2018
- Technical assistance for the formulation of the National Plan for Forest and Wildlife
Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre – SERFOR (Peru) / Feb – Mar 2018
- Preparation of the document “Conocimiento integral de la realidad del sector forestal y de fauna silvestre”
(Comprehensive knowledge of the forestry and wildlife sector)
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria – INIA (Peru) / Nov 2017 – May 2018
- Strengthen specialized technical research capabilities of INIA’s Forestry Program
Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR (Germany) / Oct 2017 – Apr 2018
- Serve as acting Chief of Knowledge, Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), inter alia to provide knowledge leadership to and collaborate with other GLF staff and partners to ensure consistency, relevance, guidance and science quality of all GLF outputs and activities
World Bank / May 2017 – Jun 2018
- Provide operational and technical support to the Paraguayan Strategic Support Program for the Development of the Atlantic Forest Corridor in Paraguay (P161498)
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – ACTO / Feb – Sep 2017
- Guide and support the preparation of the report on the situation of forests in the Amazon region, including their presentation in a workshop with Member Countries
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – ACTO / Jun – Aug 2010
- Guide the evaluation process of the project “Sustainable Forest Management in Native Forests and Marketing Chains of Legal Wood in the South-Center Ecuadorian Amazon” and prepare the evaluation report
International Tropical Timber Organization – ITTO / May – Aug 2009
- Participate in an Ex-Post Evaluation of ITTO Projects on Forest Management/ Inventory, one in Brazil (“Management of the Tapajos National Forest for Sustainable Production of Industrial Timber”) and two in Peru (“Promotion and Transfer of Knowledge on Sustainable Forest Management Models to Timber Producers”, and “Information and Training Programme for Sustainable Forest Management in the Peruvian Amazon Region”)
Overseas Development Institute – ODI (U.K.) / Feb – Aug 2009
- Assess the achievements of the VERIFOR (an international applied policy research project on verification and governance in the forest sector) in Latin America
FAO / Several months between 2006 and 2009
- International consultant for the project “In Search of Exemplary Cases of Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America and the Caribbean”. The tasks included the preparation of a technical proposal for the study, elaboration of criteria and indicators to select promising cases and a methodology for field verification of selected cases, participation in meetings of the Expert Panel, and field validation of selected case studies in the Brazilian Amazon
Winrock International (U.S.A.) / Jan – Apr 2005
- Consultant for a project in Los Amigos Conservation Reserve – Madre de Dios, Peruvian Amazon, to identify potential future threats to the integrity of the Reserve and to work with local stakeholders and project staff in drafting a plan for application of small-scale sustainable forest management practices in a buffer zone surrounding the Reserve
ITTO / Several months between Nov 2001 and Aug 2003
- Development of draft guidelines for the management of secondary tropical forests, tropical forest restoration and rehabilitation of degraded forest The work included the participation in an Expert Panel in Switzerland, the organization of two international workshops in Latin America to disseminate the guidelines, and the preparation of three chapters in a book published in 2005 by the ITTO and IUCN
Jaakko Pöyry Engineering (Lima, Peru) / Dec 1999 – May 2000
- Senior consultant for the project “Management of Forest Concessions in the Biabo – Cordillera Azul National Forest”, in the Peruvian Main tasks included the elaboration of guidelines for forest management plans, identification of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, and design of a supervision and control system for the timber concession.
Private sector in Peru / From 1979 to 1982
- Over 15 consultancies for various governmental and private programmes and projects in Peru on working areas such as: forest mapping, forest inventories, management plans for native forests and timber plantations, evaluation of timber plantations in the Andean region, assessment of species trials with Amazonian timber species, feasibility studies for dune afforestation,
FAO (Rome, Italy) / Between 2012 and 2013
- Facilitation skills (three courses)
CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica) / Jan 26-31, 2009
- REDD – Methodologies, Experiences and Perspectives for Latin America
IUFRO – CATIE (La Serena, Chile) / Oct 20-22, 2005
- Training workshop Working effectively in the interface forest science and
University of Freiburg, Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences (Freiburg, Germany) / Jul 4-15, 2005
- Alumni Summer School
Management for Development Foundation (Ede, The Netherlands) / Jun 22 – Jul 3, 1998
- Project Planning and Programme Administration
CIFOR (various cities in Indonesia)
- CIFOR Research Management Seminar (Sep 27-30, 1997)
- CIFOR Corporate Positioning and Media Training (Dec 10-12, 1996)
- Modelling workshop (Dec 2-5, 1996)
Dale Carnegie Institute (San Jose, Costa Rica) / Jan – Mar 1994
- Course on Human Relations, Communication Skills and Leadership
Commonwealth Forestry Institute (Oxford, U.K.) / Jul– Sep 1985
- Planning and Management in Forestry
CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica) / Jan – Apr 1982
- In-Service Training on Agroforestry Systems – (Cooperative Program CATIE-UNU)
Consultancy work, professional visits or study tours to the following countries:
Latin America:
Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand
Cameroon, Gabon, Mozambique, Republic of Congo
Australia, Canada, United States
PUBLICATIONS (a selection, classified by areas of work)
FAO and UNHCR. 2018. Managing forests in displacement settings: guidance on the use of planted and natural forests to supply forest products and build resilience in displaced and host communities, by A. Gianvenuti, A. Guéret and C. Sabogal. Rome, 84 pp.
FAO and EFI. 2018. Making forest concessions in the tropics work to achieve the 2030 Agenda: Voluntary Guidelines, by Y.T. Tegegne, J. Van Brusselen, M. Cramm, T. Linhares-Juvenal, P. Pacheco, C. Sabogal and D. Tuomasjukka. FAO Forestry Paper No. 180, Rome. 128 p.
ITTO. 2015. Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No. 20. International Tropical Timber Organization. Yokohama, Japan. [Original draft prepared by J. Blaser and C. Sabogal]
Vilanova E. y C. Sabogal. 2013. La silvicultura en bosques naturales de Venezuela: Lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones para la política y la práctica. Revista Forestal Venezolana 56 (1): 95-107.
Sabogal, C., Guariguata, M.R., Broadhead, J., Lescuyer, G., Savilaakso, S., Essoungou, N. & Sist, P. 2013. Multiple-use forest management in the humid tropics: opportunities and challenges for sustainable forest management. FAO Forestry Paper No. 173. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research.
Sabogal, C. y J. Casaza (compiladores). 2010. Casos ejemplares de manejo forestal sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe. FAO / Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. Santiago, Chile. Octubre 2010. 282 p. [Sabogal, C. & Casaza, J. compilers. 2010. Standing tall: exemplary cases of sustainable forest management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Rome, FAO. 273 p.]
De Jong W., J. Börner, P. Pacheco, B. Pokorny, C. Sabogal, C. Benneker, W. Cano, C. Cornejo, K. Evans, S. Ruiz, M. Zenteno. 2010. Amazon Forests at the Crossroads: Pressures, Responses and Challenges. In: Mery, G., Katila, P., Galloway, G., Alfaro, R.I., Kanninen, M. Lobovikov, M. and Varjo, J (eds.), Forests and society – responding to global drivers of change. IUFRO World Series no. 25. pp. 283-298.
Snook L.K., C. Sabogal, M. Boscolo, B. Pokorny, L. Quevedo, M. Lentini, V. Colan and R. Medina. 2009. The adoption of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) and other sustainable forest management practices in Amazonian forests: A comparative study of timber harvesting in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Paper presented to the XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 15 p.
Sabogal, C., B. Pokorny, J.N.M. Silva, J.O.P. Carvalho, J. Zweede, R. Puerta. 2009. Diretrizes Técnicas de Manejo para Produção Madeireira Mecanizada em Florestas de Terra Firme na Amazônia Brasileira. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Belém – Pará, Brasil. 217 p.
Silva J.N.M., B. Pokorny, C. Sabogal, J.O.P. de Carvalho, J. Zweede. 2006. Partnership for good forest management. A joint initiative of researchers and timber industries in the Brazilian Amazon. ITTO Tropical Forest Update 16/4: 10-13.
Sabogal, C., L. Snook, M. Boscolo, B. Pokorny, L. Quevedo, M. Lentini, V. Colán. 2006. Adopción de prácticas de manejo forestal sostenible por empresas madereras en la Amazonia de Brasil, Bolivia y Perú. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 49-50: 100-111.
Sabogal, C., M. Lentini, B. Pokorny, J.N.M. Silva, J. Zweede, A. Veríssimo, M. Boscolo. 2006. Manejo forestal empresarial en la Amazonía brasileña: Restricciones y oportunidades para la adopción de buenas prácticas de manejo. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 49-50: 81-89.
Snook L., L. Quevedo, M. Boscolo, C. Sabogal, R. Medina. 2006. Avances y limitaciones en la adopción del manejo forestal sostenible en Bolivia. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 49-50: 68-80.
Smith J., V. Colan, C. Sabogal, L. Snook. 2006. Why policy reforms fail to improve logging practices: The role of governance and norms in Peru. Forest Policy and Economics 8: 458-469.
Sabogal, C., F. Carrera, V. Colán, B. Pokorny., B. Louman. 2004. Manual sobre Técnicas de Manejo Forestal para Profesionales Forestales. Proyecto INRENA-CIFOR-FONDEBOSQUE “Apoyo a la implementación del nuevo régimen forestal a través de la capacitación a asociaciones de productores forestales concesionarios en la Amazonía peruana”. INRENA – CIFOR – FONDEBOSQUE – CATIE. Lima, Perú. 279 p.
Colán V., C. Sabogal. 2004. Manual práctico para operadores forestales. INRENA–CIFOR–FONDEBOSQUE. Proyecto “Apoyo a la implementación del nuevo régimen forestal a través de la capacitación a asociaciones de productores forestales concesionarios en la Amazonía peruana”. Lima, Perú. 74 p.
INRENA – CIFOR – FONDEBOSQUE. 2004. Planes de Manejo en Concesiones Forestales con Fines Maderables. Lineamientos para su Elaboración y Formatos de Presentación (Resolución Jefatural Nº 109 – 2003 – INRENA). Proyecto INRENA-CIFOR-FONDEBOSQUE “Apoyo a la implementación del nuevo régimen forestal a través de la capacitación a asociaciones de productores forestales concesionarios en la Amazonía peruana”. Lima, Perú. 116 p.
Sabogal, C., J.N.M. Silva (edits. téc.). 2002. Manejo integrado de florestas úmidas neotropicais por indústrias e comunidades: aplicando resultados de pesquisa, envolvendo atores e definindo políticas públicas. Atas do Simpósio Internacional da IUFRO, Belém – Pará, Brasil, 4 – 7 de Setembro de 2000. 476 p.
Sabogal, C., J.N.M. Silva, J. Zweede, R.P. Júnior, P. Barreto, C. A. Guerreiro. 2000. Diretrizes técnicas para a exploração de impacto reduzido em operações florestais de terra firme na Amazônia brasileira. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Documentos 64. 52 p.
Sabogal, C. 1998. Planes de manejo forestal y necesidades de información para el manejo operacional. In: Memoria del Simposio Internacional sobre Posibilidades de Manejo Forestal Sostenible en América Tropical. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 15-20 de julio de 1997. BOLFOR/IUFRO/CIFOR. pp. 135-147.
Sabogal, C., P. Martins, J. Flores. 1994. Planes simplificados de manejo forestal: una propuesta para los bosques latifoliados de América Central. Revista Forestal Centroamericana, 10 (3): 27-32.
Finegan B., C. Sabogal, I. Hutchinson, C. Reiche. 1994. Los bosques húmedos tropicales de América Central: su manejo sostenible es posible y rentable. Revista Forestal Centroamericana, 6 (2): 17-27.
Eke J., S. Gretzinger, O. Camacho, C. Sabogal and R. Arce. 2016. Desarrollo forestal empresarial por comunidades. Guía práctica para promotores forestales comunitarios en los trópicos americanos. FAO – CATIE. 220 p.
Sabogal, C., Casaza, J., Chauchard L., Herrero J., Alvarado C., Guzmán R., Segur, M. and Moreno, H. 2014. Achieving excellence in managing community forests: What conditions for success arise from cases in Latin America. In: Katila P. et al. (eds.), Forests under pressure: Local responses to global issues. IUFRO World Series Vol. 32. 153-172 pp.
Gaviria A. y C. Sabogal (editores). 2013. Sistematización de seis experiencias de manejo forestal comunitario en la Amazonía peruana. Proyecto Inventario Nacional Forestal y Manejo Forestal Sostenible del Perú ante el Cambio Climático FAO- Finlandia/MINAG-MINAM. Lima, Perú. 88 p.
OTCA. 2012. Manejo forestal comunitario en el centro-sur de la Amazonía ecuatoriana: Resultados y lecciones aprendidas de un proyecto piloto [Community forest management in the center-south of the Ecuadorian Amazon: Results and lessons learned in a pilot project]. Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica – OTCA [Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – ACTO]. A. Matamoros, Cristian Guerrero (coordinación editorial); C. Sabogal, S. Kingman, C. Aragón (colaboradores). Brasilia, D.F. 55 p.
De Jong, W.; Pokorny, B.; Cornejo, C.; Pacheco, P.; Stoian, D.; Sabogal, C. 2010. Opportunities and Challenges for Community Forestry: Lessons from Tropical America. In: G. Mery et al. (eds.), Forests and Society – Responding to Global Drivers of Change. IUFRO World Series Volume 25. pp. 299-314.
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal, W. de Jong. D. Stoian, B. Louman, P. Pacheco y N. Porro. 2008. Experiencias y retos del manejo forestal comunitario en América Tropical. Revista Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 54: 81-98.
Carvalheiro K., C. Sabogal, P. Amaral. 2008. Análise da legislação para o manejo florestal por produtores de pequena escala na Amazônia brasileira. CIFOR/ Projeto ForLive / IMAZON / UFRA. Belém, Brasil. 98 p.
Sabogal C., J. Nalvarte, V. Colán. 2008. Análisis del marco legal para el manejo forestal por pequeños productores en la Amazonia peruana. CIFOR/ Proyecto ForLive/ AIDER. Lima, Perú. 188 p.
Sabogal C., W. de Jong, B. Pokorny, B. Louman (edit). 2008. Manejo forestal comunitario en América Latina: Experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y retos para el futuro. Bogor, Indonesia. Centro para la Investigación Forestal Internacional (CIFOR) – Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE). 294 p.
Sabogal C. 2018. On the Status of Forests in the Amazon Region. Regional Report. Amazon Regional Program (BM/DGIS/GIZ). German Cooperation – GIZ – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands – Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). Brasilia, Brazil. June 2018. 94 p.
MacDicken K., Sola P., Hall J., Sabogal C., Tadoum M. and de Wasseige C. 2015. Global progress toward sustainable forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 352: 47-56.
Sabogal C., V. Sobrevilla (edits.). 2008. Monitoreo de Operaciones de Manejo Forestal en Concesiones con Fines Maderables de la Amazonía Peruana. CIFOR – INRENA. 134p. (incluye CD-Rom).
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal, C.A. Galvão, R. Mendoça, J.N.M. Silva, J.O.P. De Carvalho, R. Puerta, and J. Zweede (organizadores). 2006. Manual de vistoria de campo para planos de manejo florestal madeireiro na Amazônia. Cooperação IBAMA/EMBRAPA. Brasilia D.F. 105 p. +.Cd-Rom.
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal, J.N.M., P. Bernardo, J. Souza, J. Zweede. 2005. Compliance with reduced-impact harvesting guidelines by timber enterprises in terra firme forests of the Brazilian Amazon. International Forestry Review 7(1): 9- 20.
INRENA – CIFOR. 2006. Manual del Auditor. Auditoria de planes de manejo en las concesiones forestales con fines maderables (RJ061-2006-INRENA). Equipo ejecutor: C. Sabogal, V. Colán, J. Arce y V. Sobrevilla. Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales – Centro Internacional de Investigación Forestal. Lima, Perú. 65 p.
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal, R. de Camino. 2001. Metodologías para evaluar la aplicación de criterios e indicadores en el manejo forestal de bosques tropicales en América Latina. Revista Forestal Centroamericana 36: 14 – 19.
Ferreira M.S.G., M.M.de Mattos, M.F.F. da Silva, R.A.P. Júnior, C. Sabogal, L.C. de Oliveira. 2006. Quantificação e Valorização de Produtos da Floresta Secundária. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Documentos 233. Belém, Pará. 55 p.
Smith J., S. Ferreira, P. van de Kop, C. P. Ferreira, C. Sabogal. 2003. The persistence of secondary forests on colonist farms in the Brazilian Amazon. Agroforestry Systems 58(2): 125-135.
ITTO. 2002. ITTO guidelines for the restoration, management and rehabilitation of degraded and secondary tropical forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No 13. 84 p. [Draft prepared by J. Blaser and C. Sabogal].
Sabogal C., Colán V., Galván O., Current D., Domínguez G., Yepes F. 2002. Aspectos metodológicos para determinar opciones de manejo de bosques secundarios (purmas) en la Amazonía peruana, con especial referencia a la zona de Pucallpa. Revista Forestal del Perú 24 (1-2): 85-108.
Chokkalingam U., J. Smith, W. de Jong, C. Sabogal. 2001. A conceptual framework for the assessment of tropical secondary forest dynamics and sustainable development potential in Asia. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 13 (4):577-600.
De Jong W., U. Chokkalingam, J. Smith, C. Sabogal. 2001. Tropical secondary forests in Asia: Introduction and synthesis. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 13 (4): 563-576.
Chokkalingam U., J. Smith, W. de Jong, and C. Sabogal (eds.). 2001. Secondary Forests in Asia: their Diversity, Importance, and Role in Future Environmental Management. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 13 (4): 563-839.
Smith J., B. Finegan, C. Sabogal, M.S.G. Ferreira, G. Siles, P. van de Kop and A. Díaz. 2001. Management of Secondary Forests in Colonist Swidden Agriculture in Peru, Brazil and Nicaragua. In: M. Palo, J. Uusivuori and G. Mery (eds.), World Forests, Markets and Policies. World Forests Volume III, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/London/ Boston. pp. 263-278.
Chokkalingam U., J. Smith, W. de Jong, C. Sabogal, H. Dotzauer, H. Savenije. 2000. Towards Sustainable Management and Development of Tropical Secondary Forest in Asia. Policy Briefs, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 30p.
Sist P., C. Sabogal, Y. Byron (eds.). 1998. Management of Secondary and Logged-over Forests in Indonesia; Selected Proceedings of an International Workshop. November 17-19, 1997. CIFOR/CIRAD/USAID – Bogor, Indonesia.
Smith J., P. van de Kop, K. Reátegui, I. Lombardi, C. Sabogal, A. Díaz. 1999. Dynamics of secondary forests in slash-and- burn agriculture: Interactions among land use types in the Peruvian Amazon. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 76: 85-98.
Smith J., C. Sabogal, W. de Jong; D. Kaimowitz. 1997. Bosques secundarios como recurso para el desarrollo rural y la conservación ambiental en los trópicos de América Latina. CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 13. Bogor, Indonesia. 31 p.
Chavez R., J and C. Sabogal. 2019. Restoring Degraded Forest Land with Native Tree Species: The Experience of “Bosques Amazónicos” in Ucayali, Peru. Forests 2019, 10(10), 851; https://doi.org/10.3390/f10100851
FAO & UNHCR. 2018. Managing forests in displacement settings: guidance on the use of planted and natural forests to supply forest products and build resilience in displaced and host communities, by A. Gianvenuti, A. Guéret & C. Sabogal. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Sabogal, C. y A. Ureña. 2018. Restauración productiva de paisajes para favorecer la conectividad biológica en la Región Oriental de Paraguay – Manual de capacitación. Proyecto “Mejorando la Conservación de la Biodiversidad y el Manejo Sostenible de la Tierra en el Bosque Atlántico del Paraguay Oriental”. Paraguay Biodiversidad – Itaipú Binacional – Banco Mundial. Asunción, Paraguay. Junio 2018. 115 p. (unpubl.)
Appanah S., D. Lamb, P. Durst, T.L. Thaung, C. Sabogal, D. Gritten, B. Mohns, J. Atkinson and K. Shono. 2016. Forest landscape restoration for Asia-Pacific forests: a synthesis. FAO and RECOFTC, Bangkok, Thailand.
Sales E., O. Rodas, O. Valenzuela, A. Hillbrand and C. Sabogal. 2016. On the way to restore Guatemala’s degraded lands: Creating governance conditions. World Development Perspectives 4 (2016): 16-18.
Sabogal, C., C. Besacier and D. Macguire. 2015. Forest and landscape restoration: concepts, approaches and challenges for implementation. Unasylva 245 (66): 3-10.
Thompson, I. D., M. R. Guariguata, K. Okabe, C. Bahamondez, R. Nasi, V. Heymell, and C. Sabogal. 2012. An operational framework for defining and monitoring forest degradation. Ecology and Society 18 (2): 20. http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ES-05443-180220
Guariguata M., C. Sabogal and D. Chandrasekharan. 2011. Assessing forest degradation. towards the development of globally applicable guidelines – Production of forest goods (chapter 5). FAO. Forest Resources Assessment Working Paper 177. Rome. pp. 45-54.
Almeida E., C. Sabogal, S. Brienza. 2006. Recuperação de Áreas Alteradas na Amazônia Brasileira: Experiências locais, lições aprendidas e implicações para políticas públicas. CIFOR – EMBRAPA – MMA – MDA. Belém – Pará, Brasil. 202 p.
Meza A., C. Sabogal y W. de Jong. 2006. Rehabilitación de áreas degradadas en la Amazonia peruana: Revisión de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 76 p. + 30 p. anexos y Cd-Rom.
Sabogal, C. 2005. Site-level restoration strategies for degraded primary forest. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Restoring forest landscapes: an introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration. Tokyo, Japan ITTO. ITTO Technical Series. No.23. 81-89.
Sabogal, C. 2005. Site-level strategies for managing secondary forests. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Restoring forest landscapes: an introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration. Tokyo, Japan ITTO. ITTO Technical Series. No.23. 91-100.
Sabogal, C. 2005. Site-level rehabilitation strategies for degraded forest lands. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Restoring forest landscapes: an introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration. , Tokyo, Japan ITTO. ITTO Technical Series. No.23. 101-108.
Sabogal, C. and R. Nasi. 2005. Restoring Overlogged Tropical Forests – Chapter 52. In: Mansourian, S., Vallauri, D., and Dudley, N. (in cooperation with WWF International). 2005. Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, Springer, New York. pp. 361-369.
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Sabogal, C., E. Almeida, D. Marmillod, O.P. Carvalho. 2006. Silvicultura na Amazônia brasileira: avaliação de experiências e recomendações para implementação e melhoria dos sistemas. CIFOR – EMBRAPA. Belém – Pará, Brasil. 190 p.
Walters B.B., C. Sabogal, L. Snook, E. de Almeida. 2005. Constraints and opportunities for better silvicultural practice in tropical forestry: an interdisciplinary approach. Jo. Forest Ecology and Management (209): 3-18.
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Sabogal, C., L. Valerio. 1998. Forest composition, structure and regeneration in a dry forest of the Nicaraguan Pacific coast. In: Forest Biodiversity in North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean: Research and Monitoring. F. Dallmeier and J.A. Comiskey (eds.). Man and The Biosphere Series, Vol. 21. UNESCO. New York, USA. pp. 187-212
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Sabogal, C. 1992. Regeneration of tropical dry forests in Central America, with examples from Nicaragua. Journal of Vegetation Sciences, 3: 407-416.
Sabogal, C. 1987. Struktur und Entwicklungsdynamik eines amazonischen Naturwaldes bei Pucallpa, Peru. Doctoral Dissertation. Universität Göttingen. (197 p. + appendix). [Structure and dynamic of development of an Amazon natural forest near Pucallpa, Peru].